OUR VISION: To serve our surrounding communities, our nation, and the world, with the spirit of excellence, by teaching, training, and mentoring every individual in love, to possess their God-given inheritance inwardly and outwardly in Christ Jesus.


  • To treat every individual with dignity and mutual respect at all times.
  • To have the highest level of Integrity among our leadership and organization as a model to follow.
  • To always strive for excellence in all we say and do.
  • To promote growth, a “can do” mentality, as well as, an attitude of “successfulness” within our organization, amongst our friends, along with our covenant partners.


  • Building lives is the main reason we exist and promoting them to excellence.
  • Teach all individuals that success is a choice and not something that just happens.
  • Positive thinking leads to a positive life.

OUR MISSION: Go into every community, city, and nation to give them the biblical truth, life-changing principles, and to teach relevant methodologies from the anointed and powerful Word of God using wisdom to the highest degree of integrity and respect. As we will become a bridge of hope and a light economically, as well as, spiritually to all people.